
Tips for Getting Used to Porcelain Veneers


Porcelain veneers are an artificial restorative method used to enhance your smile’s appearance. Shelby Township dental implant helps in treating stained and chipped teeth. Along with that, it also helps in curing misalignment, tooth gaps, and cracks. 

However, there are certain post-surgery symptoms experienced by people who may be discomforting to some extent. The accommodation of porcelain veneers requires the shaving of enamel for veneer placement. After shaving off, the teeth experience more sensitivity before complete adjustment to the veneer. People may feel uncomfortable and sensitive for some period. It can also cause speech issues in the person, and it may take time to get used to it. The transition period for adjusting to these veneers is not long-lasting. It ranges between a week or two. Even though they are temporarily present, here are some tips for easing the experience with veneers 

  • Make sure to consume only soft meals in the initial days. 

After getting veneers, it is vital to have only soft meals in your food intake. It assists in biting and chewing without any unease. Along with that, the veneer wearer is not pressured while eating food. Adding too much force right to your teeth after the surgery can be detrimental. Therefore, make sure that you eat only those foods that are easily consumable. 

  • Do not consume chilled or hot meals.

Eating food that is too warm or chilled can make your teeth sensitive. Therefore, consume only those foods that are available at moderate temperature. Use straws while drinking so that your teeth and veneers are not in direct contact with the beverage. This will help in the prevention of tooth sensitivity and further damage to your teeth. 

  • Make sure to follow a good dental regimen.

After getting porcelain veneers, following a proper dental health regimen is even more critical. Slacking off in your routine can lead to multiple dental issues. It can lead to sensitivity in your teeth and the cavity due to plaque accumulation. Brush twice every day with the help of fluoride toothpaste so that your teeth are protected and appropriately cleansed. Also, make sure to floss daily and rinse your mouth with mouthwashes. If you are experiencing significant tube sensitivity, consult your dental provider. They may give you prescriptions for toothpaste specially made for sensitive teeth. You can use them to enhance your experience and reduce sensitivity in your teeth. 

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